HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: charles on May 23, 2015, 06:08:09 pm

Title: new dog training signed into law
Post by: charles on May 23, 2015, 06:08:09 pm

why is it took the governor to make it a law to train cops to deal with dog encounters, instead of the police chief or sheriff requiring it on their own. it goes to show how piss poor the law enforcement community is becoming, when the powers to be can't think for themselves and has to be told what to do. yet they are in charge of 10s-100s of sworn law enforcement officers, some of which can't take a bathroom break to drop off obama at the whitehouse pool without big bird cookie monster style crayon written instructions. its pathetic these chiefs and sheriffs stay in office as long as they do, or how they find their way from home to work and back home without a easy to read crayola map.

now, this not saying ALL chiefs and sheriffs are doing this, just saying that those who couldn't think to do it theirselves, shouldn't stay in office any longer. a few bad apples will always spoil the bushel

Title: Re: new dog training signed into law
Post by: Amokabs on May 24, 2015, 09:27:47 am
There's been a loss of critical thinking , it seems., in many police depts. Could it be from lowered admitting and training standards?

Title: Re: new dog training signed into law
Post by: charles on May 24, 2015, 02:46:01 pm
There's been a loss of critical thinking , it seems., in many police depts. Could it be from lowered admitting and training standards?

Lower admission and training standards has crumbled the army. The soldiers nowadays are so pansified and nipple whipped, that forcing them be a soldier is an all time chore. Then them privates become nco's "leaders" (who couldn't lead a thirsty horse to water with the water trough right in front of them). I would venture to agree that some law enforcement agencies are becoming the same. To many (soldiers, Law enforcement and many other agencies and companies) are to worried about being politically correct and hurting the feelings of others.
What happen rhino tough outer skin? Here with my company in oregon, the leading homosexual loving state, I have tread litely as to not offend the queers or those who support them coming out of the closet. I could care less what someone does behind the closed doors of their own home, but telling me it's normal, natural and part of life and I have to accept it.