HOG & DOGS => HOG DOGS => Topic started by: uglydog on October 09, 2011, 08:19:39 am

Title: Pics of Caught Hogs
Post by: uglydog on October 09, 2011, 08:19:39 am
I know most don't even think twice when posting pictures of your dogs getting a little work in. However if You are not a lawyer and have not ever read the Texas animal cruelty laws you may not understand that the word "Fight" is defined, and I am not gonna give you a class here. LOOK IT UP. You responsibility to know the laws that affect you and your animals, "I did not Know Officer " is not a legal defense, never has been

"Hunting" is legal, but working a captured hog in a fenced in pen is not considered hunting a wild animal, or any captured hog. Once your dog makes "CONTACT" its a different definition, read it or get an attorney to explain it you. I am not an attorney but I can tell what is and is not acceptable here for those reasons. You can do what you want on U-Tube and other Forums-INCRIMINATE yourself all you want Just don't do it on ETHD, free range in the woods is fine but use some common sense, have some ethics is this what some fruitcake from Humane Society cruising the internet will use as propaganda against all hog hunters in the future? will your pictures be the ones that help make our sport illegal?


Title: Re: Pics of Caught Hogs
Post by: uglydog on October 09, 2011, 12:49:52 pm
You are correct, just use good judgement when you do post pictures please, I am asking from a personal level. This sight is so popular that no telling who is surfing this forum daily. The traffic on here is unreal. After all think about not every picture belongs on the world wide web for ever single person.

I agree that if they don't like it, they should not be looking here. However there are those seeking ammunition for Bull Hockey to tell lies about hunting and imagine the stories that could be manufactured from some pictures they find right here?

Human Society/SPCA makes up DVDs to send out to schools and churches telling lies about hunting, food industry, rodeo, and who knows what else, WOULD YOU WANT YOUR DOGS IN THOSE PICTURES? how are you going to know? what are you going to do about sue them? its on the internet good luck with privacy when you posted for millions to view.

I am speaking from my own personal view in this post and not necessarily Representative all of ETHD  in this particular post. I like to post pics of my dogs in action as much as the next person, and I do. I am just asking to keep it clean, use good judgement, respect yourself and your dogs and what we do with them.